A Few Highlights this Year...
Hospitality Team
Faithful Welcome. Every Sunday you come in and are greeted with a smile and offered a cup of coffee or tea. If you didn't get breakfast or need a snack, grab a granola bar for you or your kids. Simple ways our hospitality team makes sure everyone feels welcomed and loved.
Meals. From breakfasts to griling at our community gatherings.. our hospitality team creates a ways for us to break bread, make new friends and share life together over meals.
THANK YOU to everyone who serves in hospitality! A shout out of appreciation to our regularly scheduled team members: Jeni, Judy, Sue, Kristin, Buddy, Denny, Aaron, Paul.
Worship + Audio/ Visual Team
Lead Worshippers. The worship team brings us to Jesus in praise and song through their instruments and vocals. It's a space we remember God's goodness and magnify him above all else. Their welcome to the Holy Spirit creates a meaningful time for us to meet with heaven together.
Live Stream +. Our A/V team makes our worship service available to people who are traveling, home sick or worship with us from a distance. We appreciate quality visuals and audio to enhance our worship experience!
THANK YOU to everyone who serves in Worship and A/V! A shout out of appreciation to our regularly scheduled team members: Kevin, Christie, Sarah, BJ, Allison, Randy, Jose, Natalie, Mike, Tim, Elric, Paul, Elsie, Connor.
Our Prayer: It is good to give thanks to the LORD, to sing praises to the Most High. It is good to proclaim your unfailing love in the morning, your faithfulness in the evening. Psalm 92:1-2
May our ways, words and works proclaim your unfailing love even more in 2025!
Ready to get connected with others @ the Vineyard?
Hospitality is a great first place to serve! If you would like to find out more, contact Paul & Kristin Wunn at pdwunn@gmail.com
If you are interested in learning more about serving in Worship or A/V (we currently have a need for more volunteers on our Audio and Visuals), contact Kevin Kisling at yourvineyardchurch@gmail.com Training and job shadowing is included!