FAQ's Around the Vineyard

The Vineyard Church (at large) is a God-initiated global movement of churches with the Kingdom of God as its theological center. The Bible is our rule of faith and practice. Our desire is to know the Bible, do what it says, and experience the way of living it describes.

We embrace a full range of kingdom practices from proclaiming the Good News of Jesus, to healing and deliverance, to ministry with the poor. Vineyard churches embody a praxis that includes intimate worship, actively equipping people for ministry, responding to the initiative and leading of the Holy Spirit, and joining God’s mission in the world.

We welcome you and invite you to run this beautiful race with us!

The Des Moines Vineyard is part of a global family of 2400+ kingdom-minded Vineyard churches whose numbers are growing every day. Currently, there are Vineyards in 95 countries worldwide.

We welcome you to be part of the global family!

We have happily served the great people of the Des Moines metro area since 1994.

We believe God allows both, men and women, to hold leadership roles within the church. Here is booklet that gives a summary of the Vineyard's view: One in Christ / / Men and Women Together in Ministry. For a deeper dive into this subject, read Rich Nathan's paper on Women in Leadership: How to Decide What the Bible Teaches? ; Nijay K. Gupta's book, Tell Her Story: How Women Led, Taught, and Ministered in the Early Church or watch Dr. Sandra Richter's talk on Women in Ministry here

• Additional resources for Women in Ministry can be found here (from VineyardUSA).

• Still have questions? Please contact our Office and we will get back to you right away.

DSM Vineyard's New Song Playlist

A resource to stay updated of some of the new songs we play around here.

To filter through the songs, click on the menu icon with the numbers below it (at the top-right area of the video).