Your generosity is changing lives!

Simple and secure giving. Give one-time or schedule recurring giving using the options below.

Giving via a bank account or credit card is accepted.

Option to 'Cover Fees' is available when giving via credit card - this assures 100% of your donation gets to us. We are 100% funded by friends like you!

Venmo Payments
Giving made easy using Venmo

If you have a Venmo account and prefer to use this form of payment, we will also accept Venmo payments for tithes, one-time donations, classes, events and more.

Please scan our Venmo QR Code or use the link below.

Visit Our Venmo Page
Non-Cash Giving and Planned Giving

In partnership with Vineyard USA and Freewill we are excited to offer two great resources in stewardship:

First, non-cash giving of stocks, cryto currency, and IRA distributions can all be given directly to the church. This enables tax savings for you and greater impact in the kingdom mission

Secondly, there is a tool to plan for your future. Estate planning is a meaningful way that we, as faithful stewards of God’s blessings, can make the Kingdom visible here and now by caring for our loved ones and supporting the ministries we hold dear. You can make a valid will in 20 minutes for free.  There are also resources for advanced health directives and setting up beneficiaries. 

For questions or guidance as you walk through this, contact Pastor Becky.

Start Here
Issues Giving Online?

If you have run into any issues or difficulties trying to give online, via text, or using Venmo, simply contact our Office and we will help you resolve any issues.


Phone: (515) 279.2558