Scripture Reading
Our walk with Christ, well-learned, is a burden only as wings are to a bird or the engines are to an airplane. - Dallas Willard
As we begin 2023, we will be offering various living practices or also known as spiritual disciplines that empower a vibrant walk with Christ.
In Psalm 1:2 it reads, "But they delight in the law of the LORD, meditating on it day and night."
Notice the word BUT... an interruption to what came before it in verse 1. Delighting and meditating in Scripture is a way to innoculate ourselves from... following the advice of the wicked, standing around with sinners, and joining in with the mockers.
A simple way you can cultivate delight as you read Scripture is to circle the words that are highlighted to you. Meditating reminds us that it's not the amount of Scripture we read, but it's the amount that settles into our minds and hearts that counts.
I'll be starting off January by reading through the book of John, one of the gospels in the New Testament, if you'd like to join me. The word believe is in this book over 100 times! Notice where it shows up and where Jesus invites you to trust in him.
I encourage you to slow down as you read - welcome the Holy Spirit to teach you - draw some circles - and let the word become living water for the roots of your life to be strengthened, refreshed, and empowered.
In His Grace, Pastor Becky