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We see that acronmym thrown around a lot in media and our friend groups as various athletes, performers, or world leaders are admired.  GOAT stands for 'Greatest of all time'.  There are a variety of  qualifications that are used to assess the value of someone's right for such a title. 

I wonder if Jesus was asked to define the GOAT what he would say? 

I think it would be the one who overflows love. 

This Sunday is Pentecost Sunday on the church calendar.  It is a holiday to commemorate the coming of the Holy Spirit on the early believers; who were then empowered to continue the mission of Jesus Christ as he instructed them before ascending to heaven.

As you read the book of Acts, we see the activity of the Holy Spirit in the power to witness, preach, prophesy, repent, fellowship, perform signs and wonders, experience joy, give generously, care for the poor, and to cross racial and cultural boundaries so the good news would go to the ends of the earth. 

All of this is possible because of love. And without love, it would be a noisy gong and gain nothing, as Paul writes in I Cor.13:1-3.

Which brings me to one of my favorite roles of the Holy Spirit in our lives:... he has given us the Holy Spirit to fill our hearts with his love. Romans 5:5b

As we commemorate the coming of the Holy Spirit and invite him to have his way in us ~ Let's consider how might we overflow an empowered love as the early church did by focusing on:

1- an unhurried pace and presence to the people around us. 

2- noticing one place and person we are drawn to say hello, be kind, and listen to. 

3 - generous sowing of the seed of Jesus Christ, the good news. 

What's your one place to slow down and be more present?

Who's your one person that the Holy Spirit is drawing your attention to notice?  

How might you practice generosity by sharing about Jesus (in deed and word)? 



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