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Few Highlights this year... 

Love in Action: We've put together Autumn bags + been faithful to take  with us into the city and give them away! The kids generosity spurred a $1000 donation to our church so we can continue sharing compassionately with the unsheltered in our city.  Christmas Eve, as we were gathering for the donut outreach, the kids saw an opportunity to take Autumn bags along in the car to give away. One family even brought in Christmas stockings to hold the supplies as a way to share joy.  

To enter the Kingdom of God, you must become as a child: The photo of the children leading the church in a action-packed song to celebrate Jesus during  our Easter service reminds us to ENJOY GOD.

Camp in the City: We had a first-time experiment of hosting our Summer Kids Camp at Mc Henry Park. Not only was it a blast for our kids to experience God's love - but also an opportunity to invite others and have kids and families from the park join us. A 4th grade girl gave her life to Christ! 

Vineyard DNA: This fall for our 30th Anniversary Celebration, the children and youth revisited 3 Vineyard values and created signs to encourage all of us~ Everyone Gets to Play. Come Holy Spirit. Faith is spelled R-I-S-K. 

Fun: The final photo is from the youth Christmas party at the end of the year. They seem to be learning a couple important life skills.... Don't take life too seriously and We're in this together! 

THANK YOU to everyone who serves in our kids and youth!  A shout out of appreciation to our regularly scheduled team members: Alyssa, Mike, Sherri, Grant, Sarah, Diane, Kara, Abby, Evelyn, Eva, Amy, Tabitha, Janet, Eric, Kevin, Ryan, Natalie, Jose, Karissa.  

Praying : We will not hide these truths from our children; we will tell the next generation about the glorious deeds of the LORD, about his power and his mighty wonders... so each generation should set its hope anew on God. Psalm 78:4,7

If you would like to be part of investing in young people at Vineyard, contact Pastor Becky at

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